Monday 9 December 2013

Examples of photographs for my project

This are the photographs which were taken on Brighton streets and in Royal Pavilion.

This is a Joanna. She came to Brighton to study only one term. On December she is leaving England and is going back to Poland. That's why she was not able to create for herself the proper home here in UK. She is missing her family and friends. It was for her difficult to make here new friends. She was struggling with language. She found that her English is not sufficient. She wanted quickly come back to Poland. She is an example of person who didn't  feel good in England. 

This is Barbara. She is studying architecture on the University of West England. She is a young girl who come to England on her own. She left Poland and now have to live on her own. It is not always simple and easy. But it was her dream to come here. 

This is Paulina. She is 23 and is older than Barbara. She got used to live on her own. The England is not so difficult and scary for her. She found here a place for her. In Brighton is a Polish Centre were she can meet with others Poles. 

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